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Kuwait, Saudi Arabia have ‘exclusive rights’ in Durra gas field -Kuwait oil minister

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– Kuwait and Saudi Arabia have “exclusive rights” in the Durra gas field in the Arabian Gulf, Kuwait Oil Minister Saad Al Barrak said on Sunday, and he called on Iran to validate its claim to the field by demarcating its own maritime borders first.

Iran has previously said it has a stake in the field and called a SaudiKuwaiti agreement signed last year to develop it “illegal”.

“Until this moment, this is an exclusive right of Kuwait and Saudi Arabia in the Durra field, and whoever has a claim must start demarcating the borders. And if it has a right, it will take it according to the rules of international law,” Al Barrak said in an interview with Saudi state-run Al Ekhbariya television.

“The other side has claims that are not based on a clear demarcation of the maritime borders,” he added, referring to Iran.

Al Barrak’s comments echo those of Saudi Arabia, which said last week that the kingdom and Kuwait exclusively own natural wealth in the Gulf’s maritime “Divided Area”.

Saudi Arabia also renewed its call to Iran to start negotiations with Riyadh and Kuwait on the demarcation of the eastern border of the area, Saudi state news agency SPA said. – Reuters